What's Herpenin'? A Reptile Conversation
Welcome to the What's Herpenin' podcast. We're all about championing the conservation, education, and laws surrouding the captivaiting world of reptiles. Meet your hosts, Chris, George, and Cassie, as they engage in discussions with keepers, conservationists, and reptile aficionados. Join us as we snake our way through fascinating topics aimed at ensuring the well-being of our captive snakes lizards, turtles, amphibians, and even an occasional jumping spider.
What's Herpenin'? A Reptile Conversation
USARK-FL Unleashed Season 1, Episode 1, Part 2
Welcome to part 2 of the inaugural episode of USARK-FL Unleased. Your hosts, Cassie, George, and Chris, sit down for a conversation with USARK-FL President Elizabeth Wisneski and Director of Media Daniel Parker. In this episode, we learn about some of the history of USARK-FL, some of the goals and initiatives and what reptile keepers in Florida (and the entire United States) can do to protect your ability to keep these animals.