What's Herpenin'? A Reptile Conversation
Welcome to the What's Herpenin' podcast. We're all about championing the conservation, education, and laws surrouding the captivaiting world of reptiles. Meet your hosts, Chris, George, and Cassie, as they engage in discussions with keepers, conservationists, and reptile aficionados. Join us as we snake our way through fascinating topics aimed at ensuring the well-being of our captive snakes lizards, turtles, amphibians, and even an occasional jumping spider.
What's Herpenin'? A Reptile Conversation
USARK-FL Unleashed with Shira Loa of Snake Therapy
Get ready to slither into the fascinating world of reptiles with the latest episode of USARK Florida Unleashed! Join hosts George, Cassie, and Chris as they welcome Shira Loa from Snake Therapy. Discover how a snake dropped into her hands sparked Shira’s passion for snake intelligence and transformed her fear into a deep connection with these misunderstood creatures. Learn about Shira's mission to bridge the gap between snake lovers and haters, her work with the Little Zoo, and the therapeutic benefits reptiles offer for conditions like ADHD and anxiety. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that may change the way you think about snakes!
Snake Therapy with Shira Loa on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSDWO8GhxQCKcewURjawnww
Snake Therapy with Shira Loa on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/SnakeTherapywithShiraLoa